Hearing Care is Health Care

Osteoporosis linked to hearing loss

What do Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Smoking, Obesity, Noise Exposure and now Osteoporosis have in common?

An increased risk for sensorineural hearing loss. *

Researchers at the Hormone Health Network / Endocrine Society have recently discovered that those with osteoporosis, a progressive disorder that weakens the bones putting those with the disorder at risk for breaks and fractures – also increases the risk of developing a sudden sensorineural hearing loss nearly twofold.

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), also called sudden deafness, is an unexplained, rapid loss of hearing that typically happens in one ear, It can happen all at once or over the course of several days. About half of the people who develop SSHL will spontaneously regain their hearing, but it is important to seek treatment immediately. About 85 percent of those who are treated for the condition recover some hearing.


If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, it is important to have a baseline hearing test and also to be aware that you are at risk. If you or someone you know has suffered a sudden hearing loss, it is imperative to seek medical help immediately.

* http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150416132017.htm

One Hearing Aid, Two Hearing Aids

We often see patients who purchased their hearing aids elsewhere, these patients can come to our office for repairs or reprogramming of their hearing aids or for any reason really. One curious finding is that though they were prescribed and purchased TWO hearing aids, they only wear ONE hearing aid.

Chances are, if you have hearing loss in both ears and you were prescribed TWO hearing aids, you should be wearing two. But for reasons not well understood, their preference is to wear only ONE hearing aid.

The pros of wearing TWO hearing aids are quite simple: There’s a reason we have two ears. Wearing two hearing aids affords better speech reception, lends to better understanding in groups or noisy surroundings. Patients with hearing aids in both ears performed better on standard balance tests when their hearing aids were turned on compared with when they were off. Two hearing aids also helps you localize sound – that is, you can pinpoint where sound is coming from, two hearing aids gives better sound and tone quality and extends the hearing range, and as if you needed another reason: Two hearing aids helps reduce tinnitus in ways that one hearing aid cannot.

Research* shows that hearing aid wearers who consistently used two hearing aids tended to report better real-world outcomes than those who preferred one.

What we don’t understand are the cons of wearing both of your hearing aids. If you were prescribed two hearing aids and only wear one hearing aid, we want to hear from you! Is there something we can help you with with that second hearing aid? We’d certainly love to try! Call to set up an appointment at (519) 961-9285 and we’d be glad to help you hear better using BOTH ears!


* Preference for one or two hearing aids

Why do we have earwax?

We stumbled across this video today:

Earwax is another of our body’s mundane, under-appreciated, yet totally amazing protective devices. Like eyelashes and nose hair, earwax shields our body from outside invaders, including dust, bacteria, and other micro-organisms that can get in and irritate, inflame, or infect. Earwax lubricates our ears, in much the same way as tears lubricate our eyes. Without adequate amounts of earwax, our ears would feel dry and itchy.

Since our ears are self-cleaning, we should never, ever stick anything in them! Hence the old adage that you shouldn’t put anything in your ears smaller than your elbow and YES! that includes Q-Tips, even though they seem perfectly designed to fit inside the narrow ear canal. Keep these swabs and any other objects – including your fingers – out of your ears. When you put something in your ear – to scratch an itch or to attempt to remove wax – you risk pushing wax further into the ear, where it can block sound from meeting your eardrum.

If you feel your earwax may be affecting your hearing, contact your doctor for an appointment, it may be useful to instill a few drops of oil daily into your ears for a couple of days before your appointment. And of course, afterward come to see us at The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic to have your hearing tested.


Meniere’s Disease – Do you have it?

Do you have other symptoms with your hearing loss?

How about dizziness? Vertigo, or imbalance? Tinnitus or ringing in your ears? Fullness in your ears?

When the three occur together – Hearing Loss, Tinnitus & Dizziness – as Audiologists, this triad of symptoms is a red flag for a disease called Meniere’s Disease.

There is no quick and easy test for Meniere’s Disease. Diagnosis is based on a detailed case history, hearing tests and balance assessment. Your Doctor may send you for a CT scan or an MRI to rule out other possible causes for your symptoms.

The disease itself is no fun, but with ongoing research and new treatments, people with Meniere’s are finding success in managing their various symptoms. And one day there may even be cure as researchers continue to learn more.

If you are experiencing Meniere’s like symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you have Meniere’s Disease. Contact The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic to have your  hearing and balance tested today!

Hearing Loss linked to Dementia in the Elderly

As if we needed ANOTHER reason to have a hearing test, new studies have come to show that the social isolation and lack of stimulation to the brain that stem from untreated hearing loss accelerate the onset and progression of Dementia.

Out of 639 participants, researchers found that those with hearing loss at the beginning of the study were significantly more likely to develop dementia by the end. In fact, the risk of developing dementia over time was believed to increase by as much as five-fold.

Read the whole article here: http://www.free-alzheimers-support.com/wordpress/hearing-loss-can-lead-to-dementia/

The Epley Maneuver – Voodoo Medicine?

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of the Epley maneuver – you’ll know where we’re coming from with this one….

The Epley maneuver is an exercise used to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV, which is a disorder arising in the inner ear. Its symptoms are repeated episodes of positional vertigo, that is, of a spinning sensation caused by changes in the position of the head. The maneuver is done with the assistance of an Audiologist or Doctor. A single 10- to 15-minute session usually is all that is needed. 

In the 1970’s, John Epley, the U.S. pioneer of cochlear implant surgery found that vertigo attacks were caused by crystals breaking free from the inner ear and settling in the semicircular canals of our vestibular organs. Our brain perceives these crystals as movement, even if we are still.

Our Audiologists at The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic have a special interest in vestibular disorders, whether it be true vertigo, un-diagnosed dizziness or imbalance. And if you ask some of our patients on the receiving end of the Epley maneuver, it sure seems like voodoo medicine. Often these patients get up and walk confidently from our office after just one treatment (sometimes after suffering years with vertigo). For particularly stubborn crystals – it may take two treatments.

Recent studies show that 40% of those admitted to hospital with a head injury have BPPV, and can be helped by the Epley Maneuver.

If you are suffering with vertigo, half an hour with our Audiologists may change your life. Call Melissa and set up an appointment with our Doctors of Audiology. We know it’s no fun to suffer with vertigo, so we’ll do our very best to get you in as quickly as possible. (519) 961-9285.

Sources: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/may/18/adventures-in-human-being-gavin-francis-review-john-epley-wirvell, http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9354276&utm_source=Issue_Alert&utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=BIM

Do your ears make you a dangerous driver?

Think for a minute about all the things that we hear as drivers that make us better prepared for the road… we hear a vehicle rounding a corner before we see it, we hear sirens before we see an accident site, we hear the sounds of children playing and tires squealing. We hear the sounds of our car asking for servicing.

Are you in denial about a hearing loss? (Yes we’re talking to you!) Studies show your hearing loss does in fact affect your driving skill, particularly, adults with hearing loss had greater difficulty driving safely in the presence of distractions than older adults with normal hearing.  Because distractions such as conversation, reading street signs, listening to the radio, using a mobile phone or navigation system are a present day reality for all drivers..  This study, which references similar studies of adults with hearing loss suggests that the additional effort of listening to a degraded auditory signal detracts one’s resources from other cognitive tasks, making it more difficult to attend safely to the road.

As you get older, the Ministry of Transportation makes it essential that a hearing test is performed before renewing a drivers licence, and amplifying if there is need. This is never a bad idea for the safety of all drivers on the road. 

If you or a loved one are struggling to hear road noises and you believe its affecting safety, come in for a hearing test. One hour of your time could mean safer roadways for everyone. Call us to arrange an appointment. Remember, May is Better Hearing Month, your hearing test only costs a canned food donation for The Essex Area Food Bank! (519) 961-9285.





Summertime activities could lead to permanent hearing loss

Ahhh… the warmer weather is in the air! The birds, the breeze, the flowers, the loud noises!

We at The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic would like to take a minute to remind you that your exposure to loud noises can permanently affect your hearing!

Research shows that prolonged exposure to noises over 85dB can cause permanent hearing loss. We expect to see you wear your hearing protection when engaging in the following dangerously LOUD summer activities:

  • The LAWNMOWER – (100dB) – this one seems like a no-brainer, but my neighbor laughs at my hearing protection! Your lawn mower is not the only enemy, your Weed Trimmer (130dB), and leaf blower (75dB) are suspect too.
  • FIREWORKS – (175dB) – Every year people complain about buzzing in their ears after watching a particularly fantastic fireworks show. That’s your ears crying out for hearing protection! Bringing your children? Protect their ears too!
  • BOATING/WATER SPORTS – (105dB) – A fun day out on the water wouldn’t be less fun with hearing protection. Your loud outboard motor or Sea Doo can cause hearing loss.
  • MOTORCYCLES – (100dB) – The drum of the road and the feel of the wind on your face could be causing a hearing loss. While we want you to use hearing protection, its important to continue to hear normal traffic noises, so we recommend custom hearing protection with a filter to block only the noises that are dangerous to your ears and hearing.

There are many other activities that are in the dangerous range (my neighbor’s a/c unit is ridiculously loud and they sit right next to it on the patio)  – use your best judgement, and protect your ears now so you don’t need us later! 

And of course, if you are experiencing ringing in your ears after a particularly spirited concert or day on the boat… call us and have your hearing tested. (519) 961-9285. Our Audiologists can give you tips and pointers and even make custom hearing protection specifically for YOUR ears!

Custom hearing protection comes in many colors and sizes!

Why am I dizzy?

Did you know that Dizziness is one of the top 5 complaints heard by Doctors and Pharmacists?

Many times, people are told that they have Vertigo and are prescribed medications, such as Gravol. But does that really help? In order to understand ‘dizziness’, we have to look at what is truly the problem.

Dizziness is a symptom, not a diagnosis. We can compare dizziness to having a runny nose. The runny nose is a symptom of a cold. The runny nose is also a symptom of allergies. You might have a cold, but unless your Doctor asks you more questions and runs more tests, your runny nose tells you nothing.

Dizziness is usually described as light-headedness or a feeling that you might faint.

Vertigo is almost always described as a spinning sensation. Nausea and vomiting are usually associated with vertigo, but not dizziness.

As you can see, treatment for both Dizziness and Vertigo is dependent upon proper diagnosis and understanding.

Here at The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic, we get as much medical history about your symptoms as we can and run several tests to try and lead you and your Doctor towards a diagnosis to answer the question: Why am I dizzy? And more importantly, can my dizziness be treated?

If you or a loved one suffers from undiagnosed Dizziness, we want to help. Call us to book an appointment to see our Doctors of Audiology. We know just how frustrating it can be to not have any answers. (519) 961-9285


Today is epic!

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I recently stumbled upon this post on the WUWT climate change blog. Its just sort of story that I love to read (its not about climate change!) – people who were previously unhappy with their hearing aids who years later try again. What I love most about Anthony’s story is all of the small things that he mentioned, things that those with a very gradual hearing loss probably don’t even realize are missing. -ordering food through the drive thru, ordering coffee at Starbucks.

…She then asked me if I wanted to order something to eat and asked me if I wanted to hear the specials for today. For decades I’ve never heard what the specials have been in restaurants – they are just something that I waited for it to be over, but this time I heard them all.

I wish that anyone who has previously experienced displeasure with their hearing aids would come in and try out the new technology. Its incredibly rewarding to have them hear better with something new; something that wasn’t available 20 years ago.

We know how rewarding improved hearing is to the person who wasn’t hearing. But we love how he touches on how his family was affected. It is extremely frustrating for family members of the hearing impaired to attempt communication with their loved one.

…it made me frustrated and angry all the time. This affected people around me and especially the people I hold most dear; my own family. Now all of that is gone and I’m like an entirely new person because of this transformation.

Remember, May is Better Hearing Month, come in to see our Audiologists, and try the newest hearing solutions out on the market. They are incredible little gadgets that have come a long way! Just one hour could make tomorrow EPIC!

Hearing aids have come a long way!

I remember Christmas morning 20+ years ago when my grandmother gave me a new Walkman! (Remember the yellow one with bulky black buttons! So cool!) She couldn’t listen with me to this super cool new technology because she was wearing her hearing aids.

CNN recently made a video about the new iPhone compatible Linx² hearing aids. It is amazing that something smaller than a finger tip is capable of opening up so many new experiences for hearing aid users. These new hearing aids are iPhone, iPad & iWatch compatible – meaning they are able to stream conversations, music, video games etc. directly to the hearing aids.


We’re not yet at the point that hearing aids are able to cook us dinner, but we’re close! And when I think back to my grandmother and her hearing aids, I know she would have just loved to Skype with me on an iPad… She would have thought that that was so cool.

Of course, the most important thing our hearing aids does is help us connect with people – whether live or on the telephone!

If you’re interested in this new technology, feel free to contact us for more information at (519) 961-9285.






What I’ve learned about hearing loss


Nothing is more important to us that the thoughts and feedback of the people who wear hearing aids. Starkey recently asked their social media community to share one thing they’ve learned about hearing aids and hearing loss. The responses were so heartfelt and meaningful that we had to share a few!

I wish I would have gotten my hearing aid sooner. I was too vain to get it because I was only in my 40’s but I really missed hearing so much. Please don’t let vanity keep you from missing out on someone’s words.” – Maria S.

“Do we, as a society, value perceived aesthetics over the ability to communicate, connect and understand each other? I think not. We get our eyes checked yearly and should do so with our ears, too. Be deeper than an empty pleasant nod and smile. Don’t settle for being a spectator in life. Be a participant, get tested and if needed, fitted. Be connected with the ones you love. Stop missing important moments.” – Richard B.

“Having a daughter with hearing loss has made my family learn to be better speakers – looking directly at the person you are talking to, speaking clearly and not shouting at someone who has a hearing aid.” – Christy W.

“Hearing loss is all about being open to change. Change your batteries, domes and wax guards often! Change your mind about wearing them in the rain (oh, the sounds of splashing on rooftops!). Change embarrassment to empowerment; stop pretending you can hear or isolating yourself to avoid poor hearing situations, and change your life by admitting you need help. Talk to an audiologist and get some hearing aids to hear what you’ve been missing.” – Lynette T.

“When you lose your hearing you feel isolated and many other feelings. With my  hearing aids I feel like I have recaptured all that I thought I had lost!” – Kevin M.

Read more here.

Don’t forget that May is Better Hearing Month! Have your hearing tested by our Audiologist 519.961.9285!



Did you know that your allergies can harm your hearing?


With the beautiful weather comes ALLERGY SEASON!

Did you know that your seasonal allergies can affect your hearing? Histamines can cause inflamed nasal passages – which causes excess mucus production, which in turn can cause a Eustachian tube dysfunction. This can create a conductive hearing loss. For some, this can create a blocked feeling or pressure in their ears. Then its time for a hearing test!

Treating your allergies should reduce these symptoms, but if you feel discomfort in your ears even while taking allergy medication you should see a doctor. The longer you live with the discomfort the more damage you are doing to the structures in your ear!

Allergies have you feeling like your ears are blocked or plugged? Schedule an appointment to see our Audiologist! (519) 961-9285


Focus on hearing, balance

Did you see our spotlight in The Windsor Star this week?

We’re so proud to have received so much support from the local community!

Do you know someone who could benefit from our services? Be sure to share our Windsor Star article with them!


And as always, if you have questions for us about what we do, or how we can help you – Please call us! (519) 961-9285

Make a hearing test part of your health routine!

Many Canadians have their eyesight tested every 2-3 years, and yet Statistics Canada reveals that about 70% of adults with measured hearing loss did not report any diagnosis by a health care professional. That is, they noticed they had a hearing loss, but didn’t see an Audiologist or Physician about their problem.

Our Doctors of Audiology recommend a hearing test before the age of 40 for a “baseline“, and a hearing test every 2-3 years after to monitor changes.

Other factors that may affect your hearing: obesity, exposure to loud noise (industrial or leisure), diabetes, kidney disease. Are you a smoker? The chemicals in cigarettes are ototoxic (that is, they can impair your hearing, cause tinnitus or affect your balance).

It only takes one hour to have your hearing tested with our Doctors of Audiology. What better time to have your hearing tested than Better Hearing Month? Call to arrange an appointment at (519) 961-9285.

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What is an Audiologist?

Continuing with our post-per-day vow through the month of May for Better Hearing Month, we decided to tell you who and what we are! We’re Audiologists!

At The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic, we are happy to have two Doctors of Audiology, Audiologists – Paige Pierozynski & Bernice McKenzie – to help you with your hearing & balance needs.

An Audiologist is a healthcare practitioner with a special interest in your ears. Our expertise includes the prevention, identification, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of auditory and balance disorders; and provide care to all age groups from infants to the elderly.

We like how this Audiologist explains the differences between practitioners that you may see about your ears or hearing and why you should choose an Audiologist.

If you or someone you know has a problem with their hearing, experiences tinnitus, vertigo or imbalance – we’d be glad to offer our services and experience to you. We are open Monday through Friday, and are independently and locally owned.

Please call (519) 961-9285 to schedule an appointment for your hearing or balance with our Audiologists!