Hearing Care is Health Care

Sudden Hearing Loss (SHL)

What is sudden hearing loss? You would know, it comes on suddenly, often over night. You will notice that you can not hear out of one ear, and usually have accompanying ringing or dizziness.

Who should you see if you have a sudden hearing loss? Make an appointment with your audiologist or family physician right away. You want someone to look into your ears to rule out a conductive hearing loss such as wax or an ear infection. If it is not a conductive hearing loss, you need to get a diagnostic hearing test with an audiologist to determine the type of hearing loss (sensorineural, conductive or mixed) and the severity of the hearing loss. Based on the audiologists test, a recommendation will be made for you to see an ear. nose and throat specialist or your family physician or nurse.

Will my hearing come back? About 50% of cases the hearing will return in part of in full. It’s imperative that you are treated appropriately within the first few days in order for medical intervention to help. The longer you wait, the lower your odds that your hearing will return. 

For more information about Sudden Hearing Loss visit the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery website.

Patient Handout Sudden Hearing Loss

Physician Handout Sudden Hearing Loss

2019 Hear For The Holidays!


Do you know someone who’s life would be improved by improved hearing? WE WANT TO KNOW!

The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic and Amherstburg Audiology & Hearing Aids are in search of members of our communities (Essex, Amherstburg and LaSalle) who’s hearing impairment is holding them back – so we can gift them US! One lucky winner from each clinic will receive a set of hearing aids and the gift of our services for 3 years.

Simply click the gift below and fill out our short online form.

All applicants must make themselves available for an audiometric evaluation. Entries will be received until November 29, 2019 at 11:59pm, so that we can have some time to have our winners hearing by the holiday! If you have questions, please feel free to contact us any time!


Sudden Hearing Loss

A few times a year I will get a phone call from a patients wanting to be seen right away because they woke up and could not hear out of one ear. Sometimes these people will complain about tinnitus, dizziness or a plugged up feeling. Sometimes the only symptom is hearing loss.

Sudden hearing loss is something you want to get checked right away. Here are some steps for you to follow:

(1) You will want to have your ears checked for wax by either your local independent audiologist, your family physician or nurse practitioner.

(2) If wax is not the culprit, you will want a full audiometric evaluation performed by an audiologist.

(3) Your audiologist will determine the degree and type of hearing loss that you have and then recommend the appropriate next steps. You may have to see an Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon (Otolaryngologist), and having a hearing test will help the audiologist come up with recommendations.

 If you woke up with decreased vision you would book an eye exam right away. Do not ignore sudden hearing loss, book a test with our local independent audiologist. Residents of Amherstburg, Harrow, LaSalle, McGregor, Essex and Windsor can call our office to be tested by our Doctor of Audiology.

Sudden Hearing Loss, Tinnitus or Dizziness – Time is of the essence!

Did you wake up with hearing loss? Suddenly hearing a ringing, buzzing or crackling in your ear? Are you feeling dizzy or nauseated as a result of your recent onset ear symptoms?

We’ve heard it many times, and usually we are a secondary contact – that is, a patient has been to their primary care physician complaining of a sudden hearing loss or tinnitus (which often follows a few weeks after a cold or upper respiratory infection). Usually a course of antibiotics are given, and often nasal sprays. I’ve heard of everything including allergy medications and even diuretics. Weeks pass and when still there’s little to no improvement, a phone call to the Audiologist is made.

First and foremost, I’d like to mention that there are very few Audiological emergencies. A sudden hearing loss, sudden onset tinnitus or dizziness account for pretty well all of these emergencies.

If you are suddenly stricken with sudden onset hearing loss or tinnitus – which tends to be unilateral or in one ear, PLEASE do not hesitate to contact us immediately. Our schedules are wide open to accommodate your emergent situation, even if you have seen your physician or a walk in clinic. If you cannot come to see our Doctors of Audiology for an audiometric evaluation to document the hearing loss, please go to the Emergency Room at the nearest hospital. This sort of emergency is what the Emergency Room is for. You must see an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor as soon as possible, having had a hearing test will do nothing but expedite this process. 

Treatment should begin on an emergent schedule, and usually consists of IV dextrose, and oral or intratympanic (through the ear drum) steroids. Sometimes an antiviral medication or Aspirin is prescribed. Studies show that the more urgently treatment has begun, the better the prognosis of having any hearing recovery. 

Remember, that anything that suddenly changes in our body is not normal. You would never ignore it if you woke up blind in one eye. Contact our Doctors of Audiology should you be experiencing any sudden changes in your your hearing. Remember, time is of the essence.