Hearing Care is Health Care

Sudden Hearing Loss (SHL)

What is sudden hearing loss? You would know, it comes on suddenly, often over night. You will notice that you can not hear out of one ear, and usually have accompanying ringing or dizziness.

Who should you see if you have a sudden hearing loss? Make an appointment with your audiologist or family physician right away. You want someone to look into your ears to rule out a conductive hearing loss such as wax or an ear infection. If it is not a conductive hearing loss, you need to get a diagnostic hearing test with an audiologist to determine the type of hearing loss (sensorineural, conductive or mixed) and the severity of the hearing loss. Based on the audiologists test, a recommendation will be made for you to see an ear. nose and throat specialist or your family physician or nurse.

Will my hearing come back? About 50% of cases the hearing will return in part of in full. It’s imperative that you are treated appropriately within the first few days in order for medical intervention to help. The longer you wait, the lower your odds that your hearing will return. 

For more information about Sudden Hearing Loss visit the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery website.

Patient Handout Sudden Hearing Loss

Physician Handout Sudden Hearing Loss

Temporary closure due to COVID-19

Effective immediately, our clinics and staff are have NO DIRECT CONTACT with any patient or their caregivers.

We have been issued a directive by The Chief Medical Officer of Health. Click here to read the directive.

We have been issued a directive by the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists. Click here to read the directive.

If you need batteries or supplies we will mail them out to you. Please call the Amherstburg (519) 730-1030 or Essex (519) 961-9285 locations and leave a message. We will check the messages once a day.

You can also email us if you have any questions or concerns  info@youhear.ca

We will update our website once we re-open.

Hearing Aid Care and Maintenance Video Links

Celina Dijkhuizen
Hearing Instrument Specialist

Below are videos direct from the manufacturer websites that will help you with the basic care and maintenance of your hearing aid(s) from home. Click on the links below to be sent to the manufacturer websites where the videos are posted. All the information, videos and trademarks are that of the manufacturer or what is otherwise stated. Unsure of the manufacturer of your hearing aid(s)? Check your invoices, accessories or the boxes given to you and there should be a logo or a name somewhere visible.

For hearing aid(s) that are Unitron or Phonak: https://www.unitron.com/content/unitron/id/en/consumer/help/tutorial-videos.html

For hearing aid(s) that are Starkey: https://www.starkey.com/support/how-to-videos

For hearing aid(s) that are Signia: https://www.signia-hearing.com/how-to-videos/

For hearing aid(s) that are Oticon or Bernafon: https://www.oticon.com/support https://www.bernafon.ca/support

For hearing aid(s) that are Widex: https://global.widex.com/en/support/maintenance

For hearing aid(s) that are GN ReSound: https://www.resound.com/en-ca/help/hearing-aids/other/videos

Footnotes Unitron.(2020). How to care for your Unitron hearing aids. Retrieved from https://www.unitron.com/content/unitron/id/en/consumer/help/tutorial-videos.html, accessed on March 18, 2020 Starkey.(2020). How to videos. Retrieved from https://www.starkey.com/support/how-to-videos, , accessed on March 18, 2020 Oticon.(2020). Oticon hearing aid support. Retrieved from https://www.oticon.com/support, accessed on March 18, 2020 Bernafon.(2020). Support: tips for new users. Retrieved from https://www.bernafon.ca/support, accessed on March 18, 2020 Widex.(2020). Hearing aid maintenance. Retrieved from https://global.widex.com/en/support/maintenance GN Hearing.(2020). Hearing aid support videos. Retrieved from https://www.resound.com/en-ca/help/hearing-aids/other/videos, accessed on March 18, 2020

COVID-19 Update 18-MAR-2020

Our Amherstburg and Essex offices will be open Wednesday March 18, 2020, but the front doors will be locked.

We have cancelled all non-emergent appointments. All speech therapy, hearing tests, hearing aid cleanings, vestibular testing, and vestibular rehabilitation appointments have already been cancelled. We will call and reschedule our patients once the office is back up and running.

We are currently only seeing patients with emergencies. Emergencies include:

  • Lost hearing aids and can not hear
  • Hearing aids are broken

Please do not come in to check on us, or to say hello. 

Please call for an appointment as we are only allowing one patient into the clinic at a time.

If you are sick, or have recently returned from abroad please advise our staff.

If you need batteries or supplies please call, we will mail them out to you.

We are taking this day by day, and will update this website. Thank you for your understanding.

COVID-19 Preventative Measures

(1) No staff or provider has been outside of the country within the last two weeks.
(2) Staff and patients are asked to sanitize their hands prior to entering the clinic area.
(3) Patients are kindly asked to reschedule appointments if they have recently travelled, have been exposed to someone who has recently travelled, if they do not feel well, or have a common cold of flu symptoms.
(4) Furniture, surfaces and equipment are being sanitized regularly and after every use.
(5) Providing hand sanitizer in multiple locations throughout the clinic and ensuring staff are practicing proper hand hygiene and washing their hands regularly.
Our procedures for maintaining a clean environment meet or exceed those of The Ontario Ministry of Health.
We thank you for your patience as we work through the COVID-19 outbreak and we will keep you posted on any changes that may arise.
UPDATE Sunday 15-MAR-2020: We are suspending all speech and language pathology appointments effective immediately. We will tentatively resume this service 04-APR-2020.

Group Workshops

We are excited to be offering group workshops at our Essex and Amherstburg locations! There is a lot of information given to you at your hearing aid fitting appointment, which can make it a little overwhelming at times. A group workshop is an hour long session where our hearing health professionals go over details about your hearing loss, your new hearing aids and aural rehabilitation or retraining your brain to understand speech.

So what does a group workshop look like? The groups are small – usually between 3 and 4 participants, which allows us to support each person and answer any questions throughout. The hour is broken up into three sections:

1. Hearing Loss

2. Hearing Aids

3. Aural Rehabilitation

Hearing Loss

We give participants detailed information regarding how our ears work, what the participants’ hearing test results indicate, fun facts about hearing and our ears and more information about hearing loss overall. This portion of the workshop gives participants answers to the questions that they may have been pondering regarding their own hearing loss.

Hearing Aids

When people come in to pick up their hearing aids, the amount of information presented in that appointment can feel quite overwhelming. Participating in the group workshop allows hearing aid users to gain more knowledge on the care, use, features and functions of their hearing aids. Having only 3-4 participants allows us to go over information regarding each person’s hearing aids, in order to help them better understand their use.

Aural Rehabilitation

Hearing aids are only one piece of the puzzle. In order to maximize the benefit of new hearing aids, we have to work on retraining our brains to hear in difficult listening situations. Typically, we lose our hearing slowly over time and while hearing aids give us back the sounds we are missing, we still have to do therapy to retrain our brains how to process and understand these new sounds. In our group workshop, we provide a demonstration of one of the computer-based training programs that we offer. The program is called LACE and it stands for Listening and communication enhancement. We’ll go over what the program entails and how the program can benefit everyone – regardless of what type of hearing loss they may have.

Group workshops allow our patients to learn more about their hearing loss, hearing aids and different communication strategies, as well as meet other people who also have new hearing aids.

Bernice McKenzie is an approved Dr.CliffAud provider

We’re please to announce that Bernice McKenzie is part of the DrCliffAud Approved Provider Network!!

If you’ve researched hearing aids during the last few year’s you’ve most likely seen videos posted by Dr. Cliff Olson on his youtube channel. If it is ear related, he probably has a video talking about it. You can check out his youtube channel by clicking here.

Kid Hearing Tests

We have been getting a lot of phone calls lately asking if we test children. YES we test children.Children are tested at our Essex location.

Our services are not funded under OHIP, so there is a $100.00 fee for the testing. The testing may be covered under your extended healthcare plan (GreenShield, SunLife, Manulife, Blue Cross, etc…). Since our testing is performed by an audiologist, it is a medical expense and can be claimed as such when you do our taxes. 

To schedule an appointment call (519) 961-9285.

2019 Hear For The Holidays!


Do you know someone who’s life would be improved by improved hearing? WE WANT TO KNOW!

The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic and Amherstburg Audiology & Hearing Aids are in search of members of our communities (Essex, Amherstburg and LaSalle) who’s hearing impairment is holding them back – so we can gift them US! One lucky winner from each clinic will receive a set of hearing aids and the gift of our services for 3 years.

Simply click the gift below and fill out our short online form.

All applicants must make themselves available for an audiometric evaluation. Entries will be received until November 29, 2019 at 11:59pm, so that we can have some time to have our winners hearing by the holiday! If you have questions, please feel free to contact us any time!


AM800 Saturday August 17 at 10am

Do you or someone you know have issues with hearing or speaking. Tune into AM800 at 10am this Saturday August 17, to hear our staff talk about the services we provide at our clinics. We will discuss tinnitus testing, vertigo testing, hearing tests (for kids and adults) and speech therapy (for kids and adults).

Email info@youhear.ca or call (519) 96109285 for more information.


Ways to “Spring Clean” Your Hearing Aids

Spring cleaning is not just applicable to your house! With our theme being “Spring Cleaning” this newsletter, we will talk about the importance of keeping your hearing aids clean. Here are some ways that you can freshen up your hearing aids every day:

Tip #1: When you got your hearing aids you should have been given a little brush. The brush is likely black in colour, with bristles on one end. Use that brush once a day to break away any wax or debris that is on your hearing aids! Tip #2: Check your wax guard! This is the most important cleaning task. The little white piece on your hearing aid is there for a reason. Check this piece and see if it is filled with wax, if it is it will look plugged. If this piece is plugged, it will need to be changed. You simply use the “empty side”, which is the end with no white piece, to pull out the piece by poking in the middle. Then you flip it over and push the “full side”, which is the white end, into the existing opening. Voila! A changed wax guard.

Tip #3: Use your cleaning cloth. When you got your hearing aids, you should have been given a cloth. This cloth is important! Think of it like cleaning your glasses. Once a day, you should run the cloth over your hearing aids to wipe off any wax or debris! Tip #4: If you have a dri-aid kit, use it! What is a dri-aid kit? The small jar with the orange puck on the inside. If you place your hearing aids in the jar overnight (with the battery doors open) this will pull moisture from them and keep them working tip top! Tip #5: Come in for your scheduled clean and checks. If you are due soon for a clean and check, which are done every six months, come on in to see us! We complete a full cleaning and help keep your hearing aids at their best. Think of it like taking your car in for scheduled servicing. Things work best when we maintain them!

Celina Dijkhuizen
Hearing Instrument Dispenser

Communication Strategies for Valentines Day

How to effectively communicate with your loved one this Valentines Day
by Emily Ellard and Celina Dijkhuizen
  1. Always face your partner when you are talking to them. Humans use non-verbal communication strategies, like lip reading and facial expressions to communicate. It becomes increasingly difficult for your partner to understand you if you are facing away from them.
    Emily Ellard
    Comminication Disorders Assistant
  2. Don’t just repeat – rephrase! Sometimes, we find ourselves repeating the same phrase over and over again when our partner doesn’t understand us. Instead, try rephrasing. Certain words may be more difficult to understand, so rewording what you are saying can save time and frustration.
  3. Remember that volume is not the same as clarity. Speak clearly, rather than loudly. A lot of people with hearing loss struggle with understanding. They can hear you, but they may not understand you.
    Celina Dijkhuizen
    Hearing Instrument Dispenser
  4. Slow your tempo! It is difficult to understand people who speak very quickly. This is especially true for those who are hard of hearing. By speaking at a pace that works for both you and your loved one, your conversation will flow and there will be less confusion over what was said.
  5. Keep your mouth visible. While facing your partner, try to avoid putting your hand over your mouth or blocking it in another way. Speech-reading is an effective tool for those who are hard of hearing. This is only possible if they can see your lips moving and can watch your expressions.

2018 Hear For The Holidays Winner!!


We are blessed that we can share the gift of hearing with members of the community. For the last three years we have given someone the chance to “hear for the holidays”, by purchasing hearing aids for them. This years winner is “Uncle Jim”. We hope he enjoys his new “ears”.

We would like to thank all of the patient’s who support us. Giving back to the communities, that have trusted us with their hearing healthcare needs.

Merry Chritsmas!!!

—- From the staff at Amherstburg Audiology and The Hearing & Dizziness Clinic

Bernice, Melissa, Emily, Marlene, Celina, Dragana, Cory, Sonia and Teresa

2018 Christmas Holiday Hours


The offices will be closed Friday December 21, 2018 and will return to regular business hours Wednesday January 2, 2019.

Someone will be available to help hearing aids patients at the Amherstburg and Essex location on Thursday December 27, 2018 between 9am and 12 noon.


Friday 21-DEC-2018   CLOSED

Monday 24-DEC-2018 – CLOSED

Tuesday 25-DEC-2018  CLOSED

Wednesday 26-DEC-2018  CLOSED

Thursday 27-DEC-2018 OPEN 9am-12noon in Amherstburg and Essex

Friday 28-DEC-2018 CLOSED

Monday 31-DEC-2018 CLOSED

Tuesday 1-JAN-2019 CLOSED

Wednesday 2-JAN-2019 OPEN

Aural Rehabilitation Program

People are shocked when I tell them that their hearing aids are not going to solve all of their listening problems. Hearing aids give you back the sounds that you’ve been missing, but they do not train your brain to hear, especially in noisy situations. I recommend that my patient’s complete rehabilitation when they get hearing aids or a cochlear implant. When you break a leg, you often go to therapy with physiotherapy to regain function. Function will never be 100%, but if you want the best outcome therapy will increase your function. The same can be said for your hearing. You will never hear 100%, but the therapy will improve how you function in quiet and noisy situations.

We offer two different programs that can be completed in our office under the supervision of our audiologist or speech-language pathologist, or if you prefer, once we’ve set you up, you can complete the program from the comfort of your own home.

The basic program consists of 11 classes. The objective is to increase your hearing and speech understanding in difficult listening situations. The total cost of the program is $500.00 ($300.00 if you purchased your hearing aids from one of our clinics), but if you will be completing the program on your own at home the cost is $100.00.

Our advanced program consists of 24 sessions. The objective is to increase your hearing and speech understanding in difficult listening situations, but instead of using the pre-recorded voice for training, we can use the voice of a loved one, the person in your life that you have the most difficulty hearing. The total cost of the advance program is $1,070.00, but if you will be completing the program on your own at home the cost is $150.00.  If you want us to help you customize the program by adding the voice of a loved one, there is an extra cost. The cost for customized voice will vary based on the number of sessions it takes for us to complete the recordings.

These classes are perfect for:

  • individuals with normal hearing but suffer from auditory processing disorders,
  • individuals with normal hearing but have trouble hearing in noise,
  • first time hearing aid users,
  • long term hearing aid users who struggle in noise and
  • cochlear implant users

You can take these courses, even if you purchased your hearing aids elsewhere. We do not want to sell you hearing aids, we want to help you hear at your best.

If you have insurance that covers speech-language pathology or audiology, part or all of the above charges may be covered by your insurance plan. If you do not have insurance, you can claim the cost of the course as a medical expense when you do your taxes.

Hear For The Holidays 2018

Spread the word. Share the gift of hearing.

Every year, we select one or two deserving patients, and our Doctor of Audiology personally pays for their hearing aids.

If you know someone who is in need, please enter them into our competition. Visit this link for more information: https://youhear.ca/site/christmas2018/







We have a winner!!!!

“Uncle Jim” was the winner of this years competition. We received many great entries, and wish we could have helped out more deserving individuals.  Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, and thank you for all the love and support that the community has given us.

Buying Hearing Aids from independent clinic versus a big box store

I will start off by saying that I will always recommend an independent private practice audiologist over a chain. Part of the reason being because I am in private practice. There are of course other reasons:

(1) Locally owned and operated: we support local charities, events, sports teams. Our small audiology clinics are the ones supporting events in Amherstburg, Essex,  LaSalle, Harrow and McGregor.

(2) Not directly, or indirectly, owned by a hearing aid manufacturer. You will always be prescribed that is best for you, not what is best for our shareholders in Europe.

(3) You are guaranteed to see a regulated health care provider. Many chins do not have audiologists on staff, therefore may not be seeing an audiologist and may not realize it. Many audiologists in our region are in private practice. If you live in Amherstburg, LaSalle, Harrow or McGregor and want to be seen by a regulated hearing healthcare professional, then you need to visit a private practice.

I do realize that there is a reason why you would want to buy from a chain. The only real reason I can think of is that you are planning on moving in the near future and want to deal with a company that has a location near your new home. You probably thought I was going to suggest that price would be a reason to buy from a chain. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Hearing aids are regulated medical devices, so there really isn’t a price difference between clinics. If you believe you will get a deal at a chain, book an appointment with an independent audiology clinic to see what they can offer.  You may be surprised that the independent private practice may offer a better deal than the faceless hearing aid chain.

Hearing Aid Batteries

You wouldn’t think I’d have much to say about something as simple as a hearing aid battery. Well, let me prove you wrong.

Battery Sizes

Patients always think that there is only one hearing aid battery size. I hate to burst your bubble, but there are four. Below are the different battery sizes, listed from the smallest to the largest:

  • Size 5 (red sticker): VERY small battery. I don’t think they make this battery anymore.
  • Size 10 (yellow sticker): the smallest battery on the market.
  • Size 312 (brown sticker): medium sized battery
  • Size 13 (orange sticker): larger battery
  • Size 675 (blue sticker): largest battery on the market

How long will my battery last?

The larger the battery, the longer it will last. There are other factors that will dictate how long a battery will last: (1) the number of hours a day you wear your hearing aids, (2) the volume that the hearing aid is set at – the louder the aid, the more current it will drain (3) devices connected to the hearing aids (bluetooth, FM system etc..) will drain more current.

What brand hearing aid battery should I buy?

Many people think that they can put just any battery in their hearing aid. When you invest thousands of dollars into a sophisticated medical device, do you think it’s wise to skimp on the batteries? My self-pay patient’s do not have to worry about purchasing hearing aid batteries, as they get batteries as part of their service plan. I do, however, encounter people who recently moved to town or obtained their hearing aids from another clinic. I cringe whenever I hear someone say that they purchase their hearing aid batteries from a store that “sells items for a dollar”. Don’t get me wrong, I like a bargain, but hearing aid batteries are not an area where you want to cut corners.

I have heard people tell me that the “cheaper” size 312 batteries last a day or two. If that is the case, you may be spending more in the long run if the same size “brand name” battery would last seven to ten days. Another concern with the cheaper batteries is that they have been known to destroy hearing aids. You may save a couple dollars on batteries, but it isn’t worth it if you have to spend thousands of dollars to replace a damaged hearing aid.

For the price conscious individual, we sell a four pack of hearing aid batteries for $2.50. Our private label batteries are a brand name, and we get out logo put on the packaging. I know the local “things for a dollar store” sells two batteries for $1.00. When you do the math, our batteries work out to be $1.25 per package and the brand name company that we get them from guarantees that they will not destroy your hearing aids.

Do I have to pay tax on hearing aid batteries?

Hearing aids are a medical expense. Hearing aid batteries are also a medical expense. You DO NOThave to pay taxes on hearing aid batteries. In fact, you can claim the cost of hearing aid batteries on your taxes.

What is an Audiologist

I have the pleasure to work with new patients everyday. When going over my patients case histories, I ask them the following two questions: “Have you ever had your hearing tested? If yes, by whom?”

I am amazed by the amount of people who tell me that they were tested by an audiologist, but in reality they were tested by the office secretary, the physicians wife, or even the janitor. You may think I’m joking, but unfortunately I’m not. The next time you see your audiologist, ask them about this and I guarantee you that they will tell you something along the same lines.

I’m not going to bash any other profession, but I do think that patients need to know who they are seeing. Obviously, I am biased: if you ask me EVERYONE should see an audiologist.

When getting a hearing test, you may encounter one of the following three different professionals:

Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor:

Also known as E.N.T. or an Otolaryngologist, this is a surgeon. E.N.T.s are medical doctors. Surgeons do surgery, and prescribe medications.  Often, family doctors will refer patient’s who complain of hearing loss to these surgeons. Personally, I believe that this is often a waste of a medical referral. Especially during the cold months when children with chronic ear infections have to wait months before getting an appointment. Just my two cents.


What can I say, Audiologists are awesome. I just wish the general population knew who we were. When I tell people what I do, people think I work with stereo equipment. If you are one of those people, don’t be ashamed. I went to visit a local family doctor and he had NO CLUE what I did. I wish I was joking, but I am not.

Now you really want to know what an Audiologists do. Audiologist have a Masters or Doctorate level degree in Audiology. After completing undergrad, we complete three to five years of advanced education. Simply put, we diagnose and treat hearing and balance disorders. DISCLAIMER: Ohh wait… in Ontario we don’t diagnose (I will save that for a later rant). When you see an Audiologist we will measure you hearing, similar to how an Optometrist (Eye Doctor) measures your visual acuity. An Audiologist will prescribe hearing aids, similar to how an Optometrist will prescribe glasses.  We also see patients with balance disorders, tinnitus (ringing/sounds in the ear), and central auditory processing disorders.

Hearing Aid Dispenser:

If you had a “free hearing test”, you most likely saw a hearing aid dispenser. I hate to use the eye example again but think of them in the same light as an optician. Opticians can dispense (or teach you) how to use your glasses (and possibly contact lenses, I’m not sure about that), hearing aid dispensers are supposed to dispense hearing aids BUT there is a loophole in our Ontario Healthcare system that allows them to “suggest” hearing aids (this will be a topic of a later rant).  Dispensers are non-regulated health care providers who have a college level diploma.

As I said before, I am biased towards Audiologists. I hope I haven’t confused you. If you, or a loved one, have a hearing loss it would be in your best interest to be evaluated by an Audiologist.  Book an appointment to see an Audiologist today!